Telling the story of the first-of-its-kind 619 Ponce mass timber building throughout the supply chain (ie. from seedling to solution)
Telling the story of the first-of-its-kind 619 Ponce mass timber building throughout the supply chain (ie. from seedling to solution)
Bringing mass timber to the public through an art installation at Ponce City Market, which experiences over 3.5 million visitors per year
Increasing building with mass timber in Georgia by focusing on the hurdles that prevent projects from advancing
A permanent mass timber installation at Ponce City Market that inspires and educates users on the benefits of wood construction
Address checks to
Georgia Forestry Foundation
PO box 1217
Forsyth, GA, 31029
Nick DiLuzio
Vice President of the Georgia Forestry Foundation
Connecting Georgians to the state’s forests and fostering connections to the stewards of our forestland